My presentation at IATEFL 2019

I’ve made presentations about the Sense of Progress several times this academic year: presenting the training plan at home, doing an INSETT session, doing an external workshop for teachers – and for the IATEFL Liverpool presentation I’ve attempted to bring it all together and speak about a CPD concept which can help teachers focus on the sense of progress.
You can download the slides here. It’s a condensed version of what I said in the talk, so check the ‘progress’ tag on my blog if you’d like to read more about it (or drop me a message for a copy of the evaluation tools).


Me pacing the room to answer questions.

I had great questions and comments from the audience (and anyone else who cared to listen to me before and after the presentation!). For example, what organisational support is needed to make the change sustainable? How do I concentrate less on lag and more on lead indicators? How many years does it actually take for a CPD scheme to make a lasting impact? Exciting – seems like my next year’s plan is cut out for me!


IATEFL 2019: Intro

And it’s the IATEFL time of the year again.
I’m thrilled to be here, to take part in the biggest event of the year in my professional field, to get a year’s worth of professional development in a week and to see all the nice people I’ve been lucky to meet here since 2016.

It’s a bit cold outside, but the conference is lively and bustling. For me, it started yesterday with the LAM SIG pre-conference event, and what a joy it was.

The topic (Evaluation) was very close to my heart, and I even got to be one of the speakers. I’ll write a separate post about it and put the presentation slides up when I have a bit more time, watch this space!